
Flagship Software Ltd. is committed to ensuring digital accessibility to all users regardless of ability. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying appropriate accessibility standards.

We’ve read and reviewed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, Level AA), published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make Web content more accessible for people with disabilities. We will implement all necessary measures to ensure our website is accessible to all persons.

​We regularly run tests to ensure our website is running correctly and is user friendly for all persons. Accessibility testing on our pages includes testing correct heading structure within all pages, sufficient colour contrast throughout the site, and screen reader support options. We are aware of some areas on the website where we could improve accessibility and are working on enhancements.

We are continually seeking resources that will provide our entire site with the same level of overall web accessibility. We will be testing our pages with NVDA screen reader on Windows desktops and with VoiceOver screen reader on mobile iOS devices.

-Flagship Software Ltd.

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